Curriculum Vitae
Herman Leonard Beck was born on 6 September 1953 in Sorong (former Dutch New Guinea) as son of a missionary preacher and a medical nurse. He is married and has a son (1984 – 2017) and a daughter.
Doctorate in theology from Leiden University (cum laude) with a dissertation entitled: Idris de Kleine en de Idrisidische shurafa’ in Fas tijdens de Marinieden [Idris II and the Idrisid shurafa’ in Fes during the Marinid Dynasty]
Master’s degree in theology from Leiden University (cum laude). Main subject: Comparative Religion and History of Religion, especially of Islam; subsidiary subjects: Church History and Arabic; full teaching qualifications for Religion and Social Studies in all types of Dutch secondary education.
Academic experience
2006 - 2020
Professor of Religious Studies, especially of Islam at Tilburg University
1991 - 2005
Professor of Phenomenology and History of Religion at the Theological Faculty Tilburg Foundation
1989 - 1991
University lecturer for the 'Indonesian-Netherlands Islamic Studies Programme' of Leiden University, seconded to the Islamic State University (Institut Agama Islam Negeri) of Sunan Kalijaga (SuKa) in Yogyakarta, Central Java, with the title of guru besar luar biasa (professor by special appointment)
Research fellow at the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences
Full CV (pdf)